
Late spring, Cold Soils

As we head into the 2022 seeding season, much of the central prairies has pretty good moisture due to the above normal winter precipitation. This increase in moisture has recharged the soils giving many growers the opportunity to grow an above average crop this year. The season is posing some challenges as well – since it’s shaping up to be a later spring with colder soils.  


How do you combat lost time and cold soils?


Seed nutrition improves plant health to overcome the environmental stress of the spring season in three ways:

  1. Cold starts the crop
  2. Increase early season vigour
  3. Increase root surface area.

PreCede is a premium seed nutrient dressing designed and field tested to deliver the essential nutrients in the proper form and ratio to successfully cold start the crop.


Check out this time-lapse video to see how PreCede can help you achieve early crop emergence and increased vigour:

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