Water Hardness


Calculate your Water Hardness Inactivation Potential

To calculate “Water Hardness Inactivation Potential”, enter your “Spray Water Analysis” information. Results are displayed in the “Inactivation Potential” column.

Ion Activity Index Spray Water Analysis ppm (mg/L) Water Hardness (Inactive Potential)
Potassium, K+ 0.20 0
Sodium, Na+ 0.60 0
Calcium, Ca++ 1.00 0
Magnesium, Mg++ 1.70 0
Iron, FE+++ 2.50 0

NOTE: The Hard Water Inactivation Potential only addresses the spray water, not the potential of dry dusty leaf surfaces or Dirty Weeds to inactivate glyphosate.

Classification Water Hardness Water Hardness
100 ppm – 300 ppm
0.25%v/v (1.6 oz / 5 gpa)
Moderately Hard
300 ppm – 750 ppm
0.50%v/v (3.2 oz/ 5 gpa)
750 ppm – 1000 ppm
0.75%v/v (4.8 oz / 5 gpa)
Extremely Hard
1000+ ppm
1.00%v/v (8.4 oz / 5 gpa)

* These are, to the best of our knowledge, the appropriate amounts of ModipHy.
In addition, when weeds are under drought stress, cold weather conditions, or when weed surfaces are dusty, a higher rate of ModipHy may prove beneficial. Refer to the ModipHy label for detailed instructions.