SeedNutrient Type:
Macronutrient, MicronutrientFormulation:
PreCede® is a premium seed nutrient dressing designed and field-tested to deliver the essential nutrients in the proper form and ratio to successfully cold start your crops. PreCede is Stage 1 in the System of Chemtrition®.
Why Use a Seed Nutrient Dressing?
Most seeds (~90%) start off nutrient imbalanced. Seed nutrition plays an instrumental role in getting the crop off to a strong start. As the foundation of a nutritional program, seed nutrient dressings help to:
- Cold start the crop – help the crop deal with the environmental stress of cold soils.
- Restore the nutrient balance to the seed to maximize early season vigor.
- Increase root surface area of the plant to improve acquisition of moisture and nutrients from the soil.
Adding a seed nutrient dressing to your seed treatment will ensure early root establishment to take advantage of spring moisture and nutrient availability, ultimately helping the seed achieve more of its full genetic potential.
Why Precede?
PreCede seed nutrient dressing addresses the natural imbalances that exist in the seed. It is designed specifically for each crop and combines essential macronutrient and micronutrients with two biostimulants to drive rooting and respiration.
In combination with your seed protection, PreCede delivers:
- Improved seedling vigor, rooting and the overall root architecture of the plant
- Enhanced nutrient uptake by the plant
- Improved overall plant health to overcome environmental and biological stresses
- Increased root surface area and overall root length
PreCede contains two novel biostimulants – Convey and Cellburst Technology. These biostimulants are formulated into PreCede to maximize nutrient use efficiency and combat plant stress, ensuring seeds are nutrient balanced, healthier, and higher-yielding.
Proven Agronomic Performance

- Summary of 75 replicated trials across Western Canada (2012-2015) showed a 30 to 77% increase in root surface area for the 5 main crops (spring and winter wheat, canola, peas and soybeans) with the addition of PreCede applied as a seed dressing.
- Root surface area measurements using a WinRhizo scanner.
- Summary of 90 replicated field trials across 6 crops showed an average yield increase for PreCede treated seed of 2 bu/ac for cereals and oilseeds (wheat, barley, canola) and up to 4 bu/ac for nitrogen fixing crops (peas and soybeans).
See the Difference
Product Recommendations:
- If applied alone, dilute PreCede with water to ensure uniform coverage on the seed.
- Allow for proper drying time to ensure optimum flowability.
- Do not treat directly into an air seeder.
- If combined with a seed protectant, conduct a jar test and refer to ATP ’s information on product compatibility and calibration
- If PreCede is combined with a seed protection product, the mixed product should be applied immediately to the seed.