SoyGreen® Granular
FoliarNutrient Type:
SoyGreen - Superior Iron Chelation Technology
The patented ortho-ortho Fe EDDHA makes Soygreen® the only proven iron source for overcoming Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) in all crops, including soybeans.
- Chelated with the Levesol™ Technology, the patented ortho-ortho EDDHA keeps iron soluble and plant available as a Ferrous (Fe+2) iron
- Improved iron uptake by the roots allows the plant to overcome iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC).
- The Levesol™ technology chelates additional micronutrients in the soil also making them available to the plant.
- Can be applied as an in-furrow application.
Plant Available Iron = Delivers the Genetic Potential
IDC is a soil related issue that’s common on land with high pH levels. Highly alkaline soil can prevent the plant roots from reducing iron into a soluble, plant available form, known as ferrous iron (Fe+2). Additional factors affecting iron availability and plant uptake include high bicarbonates, soluble salts, excess water, high nitrogen (N) or high manganese (Mn). The end result is a lack of iron availability to the plant causing a poor root system, reduced plant vigour and interveinal yellowing on the youngest leaves. SoyGreen will help you fight back against IDC.
- Having the purest form and highest percentage of ortho-ortho EDDHA, SoyGreen makes plants strong enough to keep ferrous iron (Fe+2) in its soluble state to overcome iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC).
- The chemistry of ortho-ortho EDDHA in SoyGreen makes other micronutrients in the soil soluble for plant uptake.
- SoyGreen has been proven for almost 10 years to grow superior soybeans in areas suffering from IDC and reports an average yield increase of 8.2 bu/ac (105 Trials).
Proven Agronomic Performance

- 3 small plot third party replicated trials in 2017 showed the value of soil applied SoyGreen as both a liquid or granular form with yield increase averaging 5.1 bu/ac.
- Granular SoyGreen applied at 4 lb product / acre (2 lb of Fe/ac) was comparable to liquid SoyGreen, with 2 of the 3 sites highlighting it was the top performing formulation.
Iron deficiency (left) vs. SoyGreen treated (right) in Ile de Chenes, MB (2016) SoyGreen liquid applied in furrow at 2.5 L/ac
Check (left) vs. SoyGreen treated (right) in Kelburn (2017) SoyGreen liquid applied in furrow at 2.5 L/ac
Iron deficiency (left) vs. SoyGreen treated (right) 4.3 bu/ac yield gain. Stonewall, MB (2017) SoyGreen foliar applied at 1.75 L/ac
Technical Info
| 3.0% Fe | 4.0*-6.0** lb/ac | Soil | Granular | 600 Lbs |
Product Recommendations
SoyGreen granules can be applied either alone or blended with other granular fertilizers. For best results, an in-furrow or side band is recommended over a broadcast application.