  • Timing:
  • Nutrient Type:
    Macronutrient, Micronutrient
  • Formulation:

Importance of Late Season Nutrition

NPKS Nutrients = Delivers Genetic Potential

The NRG line includes NRG N, NRG P, NRG KS, NRG KB, NRG Mg, NRG CaB, and NRG Mn – each individually formulated to target specific nutrients to support plants that are strong and healthy.

Key benefits of these nutrients include:

  • Nitrogen enhances nutrient uptake and promotes rapid growth in the plant.
  • Phosphorus functions as one of the main promoters of photosynthesis, nutrient transport, and energy transfer via energy-rich linkages (ATP).
  • Potassium is involved in the formation and translocation of sugars, proteins, starch, and plant growth hormones.
  • Sulphur improves root growth and seed production as well as resistance to cold.
  • Calcium promotes cell wall structure, stimulates root and leaf development, and promotes the uptake and transport of other nutrients
  • Magnesium improves the utilization and mobility of phosphorus and critical for the transport and storage of plant substances such as carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Boron is essential for plant growth and cell development, contributing to stalk stability and function of the cell wall membranes, and seed and fruit development.
  • Manganese helps optimize photosynthesis and assists in eliminating free oxygen radical buildup; resulting in increased availability of phosphorus and calcium to the plant.

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Why NRG?

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The NRG™ line does more than a traditional single element foliar product. NRG products provide a combination of the essential elements required by the plant with a target nutrient(s), per formulation, to overcome a crop’s specific deficiency.

The NRG product line delivers:

  • Seven products, each one individually formulated to target a specific nutrient while balancing overall plant nutrition
  • NRG can be used on all crops and at all stages throughout the growing season
  • 100% plant available with the lowest salt index
  • Includes an amino acid to increase nutrient uptake and maximize nutrient use efficiency by the plant
  • Compatible with most ATP products and agri-chemicals* 

Proven Agronomic Performance

  • Data generated in North America shows that NRG KS increased overall wheat and canola yield by an average 3.0 and 6.0 bu/ac, respectively. Sufficient potassium and sulfur had a direct positive effect on the crop’s yield due to stronger cell walls, enhanced synthesis of amino acids and proteins, and vigorous plant growth.
  • 2020 grower replicated trials showed a synergistic effect of foliar applied Potassium and Boron at flowering. NRG KB increased canola yield by 4.2 bu/ac versus the check.
  • Summary data collected from 2 replicated trials in 2011 have demonstrated the benefits of supplemental phosphorus nutrition. The addition of NRG P enhanced productivity by an average of 5 bu/ac in Wheat.

See The Difference

Sulphur Deficiency in Wheat
Photo shows a Sulphur deficiency plant (left) and a Sulphur sufficient plant (right).

Sufficient Sulphur has a direct positive effect on the crop’s yield due to stronger cell walls, enhanced synthesis of amino acids and proteins, and vigorous plant growth.
Potassium Deficiency in Soybeans
Photo shows a Potassium deficient plant

Sufficient Potassium has a direct positive effect on the crop’s yield due to stronger cell walls, enhanced synthesis of amino acids and proteins, and vigorous plant growth.
Nitrogen Deficiency in Wheat
Photo shows a Nitrogen deficient plant.

Sufficient Nitrogen enhances nutrient uptake and promotes rapid growth in the plant.

Technical Info

13-10-5 + MicroPak + BA1.0-3.0 L/acFoliarLiquidCase (2x10L), 500L, 1000L
6-26-5 + MicroPak + BA1.0-3.0 L/acFoliarLiquidCase (2x10L), 500L, 1000L
10-5-15-6.0S + MicroPak + BA1.0-3.0 L/acFoliarLiquidCase (2x10L), 500L, 1000L
2-0-15-1.5B + Cellburst™1.0-3.0 L/acFoliarLiquidCase (2x10L), 500L, 1000L
7-0-0-10.0Ca-2.0B1.0 L/acFoliarLiquidCase (2x10L), 500L, 1000L
0-29-5-4.0Mg1.0-2.0 L/acFoliarLiquidCase (2x10L), 500L, 1000L
12-8-4-3.4S-5.0Mn1.0-2.0 L/acFoliarLiquidCase (2x10L), 500L, 1000L

BA = Biological Activators

Product Recommendations

  • NRG products are typically applied at 1-3 L/ac at herbicide timing (BBCH 13-31), but can also be applied later, such as at flowering or post-flowering.
  • **Tissue test is required to determine the optimum application rate.
  • NRG products are tank-mixable with most pesticides but a jar test is always recommended to confirm product compatibility. For support, please refer to the product compatibility information at
  • To view the SDS’s and Product Labels please visit