FoliarNutrient Type:
Why a Foliar Micronutrient?
Foliar nutrition is an effective practice to address both the peak nutrient demands periods of a crop and if necessary, to correct micronutrient deficiencies.
Even though the plant may require a smaller amount of these nutrients (when compared to macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), it is still essential that the plant does not run short. It is also critical that the micronutrient levels in the plant still stay in balance with the other nutrients (both macronutrient and secondary) so not to limit the genetic potential of the crop. If one of these nutrients is out of balance, yield will be lost.
There are a number of benefits when using foliar nutrition that include (but not limited to):
- The response by the plant to the nutrient being applied is immediate, so imbalances can be corrected immediately.
- Application rates are to meet the nutritional needs of the plant for 7-10 days, so a much lower rate is required than a soil application.
- It is easy to get uniform coverage of the nutrient(s) across the entire crop.
- In most situations, the micronutrient can be combined with an existing pass across the field to optimize your time and cost.
To confirm if a nutrient is out of balance, it is recommended that tissue samples be taken. The preferred method in tissue sampling is to separate the plant into old new and old leaves and analyze each portion of the plant separately.
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Why Kinetic?
Kinetic is the premium line of foliar micronutrients designed to address and overcome specific micronutrient deficiencies in the plant.
- Four foliar micronutrients available to meet your plant’s needs: Kinetic Copper, Kinetic Zinc, Kinetic Manganese, and Kinetic Boron.
- The Kinetic line is 100% plant available and crop safe.
- Powered by Transit-S and Cellburst Technology.
- Kinetic improves fertilizer use by increasing the mobility and uptake of the nutrient in the plant.

Proven Agronomic Performance

- Both small plot and field demonstration trials have demonstrated a 3 to 13 bu/ac yield increase when both the field and crop are responsive to the targeted nutrient.
- Kinetic Boron was applied at either the herbicide timing (BBCH 14-15) or at 10% bloom (BBCH 61) or a combination of these 2 timings. The general rate for these trials was 0.5 to 1.0 L/ac
- Kinetic Manganese was applied at 1 L/ac with a glyphosate application at the V5 stage.
- Kinetic Copper is recommended to be applied at BBCH 14 (herbicide timing) and BBCH 45 (fungicide timing) growth stage, with the recommended rate being 0.5 to 1.0 L/ac depending upon the tank mix partners.
See the Difference
Technical Info
5-0-0 -10B + Convey + Cellburst + TE | 0.5-1.0 L/ac | Foliar | Liquid | Case (2x10L), 500L, 1000L | |
5Cu-2.5S + Convey + Cellburst | 0.5-1.0 L/ac | Foliar | Liquid | Case (2x10L), 500L, 1000L | |
5Mn-3S + Convey + Cellburst | 0.5-1.0 L/ac | Foliar | Liquid | Case (2x10L), 500L, 1000L | |
9Zn-3.8S + Convey + Celburst | 0.5-1.0 L/ac | Foliar | Liquid | Case (2x10L), 500L, 1000L |
Product Recommendations
- Kinetic products can be applied throughout the growing season. For efficiency, Kinetic products can be added with the herbicide and/or fungicide application.
- Use proper water volume (minimum 10 gallons) to ensure uniform coverage and optimum uptake.
- Do not spray in the heat of the day or when plants are under moisture stress. Spray in the late evening or early morning.
- Tank mix compatibility is impacted by water quality which may vary by location, so conduct a jar test prior to combining Kinetic with a crop protection product.
- To view the Kinetic Line’s SDS and Product Labels please visit